Friday, 12 March 2010

3 Idiots & Our Dreams!!!

Do you have a Dream/Passion? Do you follow it or have allowed it to escape your thought?

Well, I've had people tell me, oh, dreams never come true. Passion is a rich man's past-time. Is it? Off course dreams don't come through, if we don’t' work them. Yes, we can't follow a passion, if we can't make time for it.

Who do you think comes in our way to follow our dream or pursue our hobby? 99.99% of the times it’s us. Why do I think so?

If our boss says, he'll pay overtime to spend 2hrs extra at work every day, we readily agree to do it. Do we even realize, we're allowing him to exploit our valuable time-bank as he's not allowing us to spend that quality time on our dream/passion. Thereby restricting our long-term growth and assuring our loyalty to the job. We're allowing him to mine our time. The same time, if we could invest in ourselves, may be by doing a certification, follow a passion, work on our dream, do a bit of community service, take a music lesson, spend time with our parents, wife or kids or for that matter our friends etc.. we’d be a better person in the long-run. But, we can’t say ‘No’. We’d rather earn now than think long-term. That’s the difference between an ordinary person and an entrepreneur. We stop dreaming, we stop short of realizing that there’s something beyond just a career/job.

Do we all have time to spare, a survey conducted amongst the top businessmen and entrepreneurs says, "Yes, we all do. Some recongnize it, others don't." So, its how we utilize this spare time, un-productive time, which determines where we go in life. If we allow TV, Beer Bar, Movies to exploit our time & money, well, god save us. Can we delay these things to achieve our dreams or follow our passion? Offcourse we can, if only we could decide.

Was it like that from the time we were kids? No, it wasn’t. When we were kids, we wanted to be a Pilot, an Astronaut, a Lorry driver, a Doctor, Movie star et al in a span of few hours. Why? How? Cause, nobody told us back then, that you can't dream because they don't come true. We were prepared to put in whatever it took. So, what changed when we grew up? We had our parents, teachers, society and peers either stealing our dream/passion or discouraging enough that we not only forgot our dream, but we forgot dreaming all together.

I would like to quote a small story here:

Once upon a time in small village in the northern part of Russia, lived two friends, Ikan and Ivon. They were the best of the buddies’ in-spite of being separated by 5years. Ikan was 7 years and Ivon 12years. They would always play near the lake, sometimes catching a little fish and releasing it back into the lake. They would climb a nearby hill, eat fruits, trouble the other kids, but all in good fun. Then came winter and most of the children were generally indoors. But not Ikan and Ivon, they were fun loving and they would still be found playing near the frozen lake.

One evening, while they were at play, Ivon slipped and fell into a small hole in the frozen lake. Ikan was scared, he called for help and since it was getting dark, all the villagers were either home or on their way back. Time was running out, Ikan thought that if he can’t help his dear friend, no one else would. So, he used a small twig and started to widen the hole. Putting in a lot of work, Ikan managed to pull Ivon out of the lake.

The village head, a very old man had by then organized a search party after their parents raised an alarm. The search party found the two boys near the lake shivering and exhausted. The villagers then put a small fire on the lake-bed for warmth and asked the boys about, what had happened. Upon learning about the incident, no-body were prepared to believe that a 7year old boy could have used a small twig to widen the hole and managed to save his friend much older and obviously heavier than him. They narrated this to the village head who immediately announced a reward for Ikan and asked the villagers:

“Do you know how a small boy could save his heavier friend?”… after a brief silence he said

"Because, Ikan didn’t have people like you, telling him that he could not do it!!!"

That's what I liked in the movie 3-Idiots, we all 'WOW' at it, can we do it> Secret of the ages is, "Just do it!!!"

So, come out of the excuse mentality, follow your dream, at the least make an effort. As someone said:

“Shoot for the stars, you’ll at-least end up on the Moon.”


Karthik CS said...


Very well written. The "will" makes anything happen in life. But only when one wants to do. So one has to prioritize in life what he wants and move towards achieving it.

Enjoyed reading it.. Let more words come.. :)

Gangadhar Yasam said...

How true Gautam. Your post gave me the pinch that I needed as I am going very lazy these days.